Portfolio Program Contract

1. Portfolio Program

Miami Ad School Europe GmbH (MASE) offers teaching of a 24 month portfolio program in either Art Direction or Copywriting. Detailed information on the programs, the course contents and the schedules are defined in Appendix A. Language of teaching and for submitted work is English.

The student has successfully submitted his/her/their application and qualified for enrollment. The student herewith bindingly accepts the offer of MASE to enroll for the complete selected program, subject to the terms and provisions of this contract. 

2. Teaching

Teaching is based on a quarterly system. Each quarter is ten (10) weeks in length, followed by a break of approximately three (3) weeks depending on the time of the year. It takes eight (8) quarters to complete a portfolio program.

Details are defined in Attachment A. To graduate, the student must complete a defined number of clock/credit hours. Course content is subject to change, depending on market demands.

MASE is aiming to offer teaching reflecting always the most recent practical needs of possible future employers or principals of the student, in order to allow him/her a successful professional career after graduation.

Course schedules may change, for example due to faculty commitments outside of school and other good reasons. Schedules will vary from quarter to quarter, also dependent upon faculty workload in their professional positions. Students shall expect to take classes in the morning, the afternoon or in the evening. MASE will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the student’s work schedule. MASE reserves the right to 
make changes to the details of their course syllabi/contents.

3. Supplies

Students must own/pay for their necessary supplies. Supplies strongly recommended as a condition of the admission are:
Hardware: Apple Macintosh®
Notebook, WLAN equipped
Software: Subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat DC, to start with).
Additional supplies according to the schedules and classes must be 
Details and requested specifications will be defined by MASE.

4. Tuition Portfolio Program

Tuition is EUR 2,600 (two thousand six hundred EURO) for each quarter, to be paid every six months in advance one month before the start of the respective quarter.

Total cost (excluding supplies) for the portfolio program therefore is EUR 20,800. In case the student does not qualify at the end of one quarter for the next quarter, or does not pass graduation after finishing the regular program of 24 months, additional tuition according to the additional time spent in the program may fall due.

The tuition covers all lessons in the classes as outlined, all respective material presented by MASE, using of MASE facility and services of the personnel as defined by MASE, all certifications.

It does not cover all additional expenses like supplies (Sec.3) and personal costs like travel, housing, food and beverage, insurance and similar services. In case the student is unable to attend MASE offers, f.e. because of illness, no refund is possible.

5. Legal Status

Students are responsible for their own belongings. MASE is no employer and does not offer travel arrangements, housing, food and beverage nor insurance or similar services.

Students must comply with all applicable laws including immigration and taxation. MASE requires that students maintain to their own benefit reasonable insurance cover on medical treatment (at least to such extent as needed for approval by immigration authorities).

MASE recommends also third party liability and property insurance. All costs of such insurances shall be paid for by the students. The student shall attend all classes, examinations and other MASE arrangements except for good cause. All rights of the student under this contract are personal rights. The contemplated rights are not transferable to a third person or entity.

6. Examination and Graduation

MASE will continuously monitor the student’s progress. Enrollment for a higher quarter needs successful participation of all preceding quarters. Prior to final graduation after completing the last quarter, the student must successfully pass a “portfolio review” by one or more professionals, certifying the student’s portfolio is at an acceptable professional standard.

Failure to pass may require additional training (at an additional tuition in accordance with Sec. 4 of this Contract), as decided by MASE. After the requirements have been met, the student is entitled to submit a second portfolio for review and final decision on his/her/their graduation. A Diploma of MASE is awarded after successfully passing the final portfolio review. Details are subject to the Examination and Graduation Terms in Attachment B of this Contract. MASE maintains a placement assistance program for their graduates but 
cannot guarantee any employment.

7. Withdrawal, Termination, Complaints

The student enrolls for the complete 24 month portfolio program. The student may withdraw from this Contract by written notice received by MASE no later than 14 days after signing of this Contract. In such case, all tuition payments are refunded, except the enrollment fee.

The student is furthermore entitled at any time to declare his/her/their withdrawal from the program by written notice to MASE, effective at the end of the current quarter or in case the next quarter starts at the time of the receipt of the withdrawal notice within 14 days or less, effective towards the end of the next quarter. See Sec. 9. for refund policy.

In case a student withdraws in fact from the program without respective notice, MASE reserves the right to determine his/her/their withdrawal.

As a professional school, MASE requires its students to demonstrate a mature and serious approach to their education, to comply with the rightful decisions of competent MASE personnel, especially teachers and MASE administration, to respect the personal rights of their teachers, other students and MASE personnel, and not to endanger their health or property in any way.

MASE shall be entitled to terminate this Contract and to dismiss the student in case:

  • The student fails repeatedly, or after a respective warning letter had been issued, or in a substantial way, to comply with:
  • (a) MASE’s school rules as outlined above, or (b) with applicable laws.
  • The student can be evidenced not to reasonably benefit from the program or not to make satisfactory progress by objective standards.
  • The tuition for the respective quarter has not been paid prior to the beginning of the classes.
  • It can be evidenced that the student has made false or misleading statements, directly or implicitly, in his/her/their application documents or interview.
MASE shall inform the student of any respective complaint in writing and shall give the student a reasonable grace period to rectify his/her/their approach or to make the requested progress. In serious cases which further enrollment is not tolerable to MASE or to the other students, MASE may terminate this Contract and dismiss the student with immediate effect.

Students wishing to appeal a decision affecting their status in MASE or to bring a complaint involving a teaching person, they must submit it in writing to a managing director of MASE. A hearing will take place to discuss the matter, giving the student a fair opportunity to be heard will his/her/their arguments and to bring impartial witnesses and/or other evidence into the discussion. The managing board of MASE will decide on the appeal or complaint bindingly.

8. Health and Responsibility

All students are requested to avoid risks, harm and damage to other students, to personnel of MASE, and to any third parties in connection with teaching and other MASE events, through possible health problems of their own, including psychological problems.

In case of such problems which may entail risks or cause harm or damage of a more than negligible extent (meaning an extent which is considered to be generally accepted as a typical ordinary risk of life) to others, the student has to take all reasonable measures for the avoidance of such risks, harm and damages, including to stay away from teaching and other MASE events if necessary (i.e. in order to avoid infection of others) and to make use of proper professional medical and health care to effectively cure such problems.

In case a student fails to comply with these rules, or to evidence it, after a respective request, or in serious cases without such warning, MASE shall be entitled to terminate this Contract and to dismiss the student with immediate effect.

The same applies in case medical or health problems possibly affecting third persons in the way described, including psychological problems, cannot be evidenced to be expectedly cured, or which actually have not been cured, within a reasonable time frame, typically to be defined as a period of six months.

The appeal procedure against respective decisions of MASE as outlined in Sec.7 shall apply accordingly. MASE may refund any paid tuition not used at the time of the termination of the Contract under this section pro rata temporis in case the medical or health problems have developed without any fault of the student.

For the avoidance of doubt: The rules of this section shall not apply to any medical or health problem of a student whatsoever that does not affect others or their rights or property in any way. MASE may assist students with medical or health problems in case they fully cooperate, but MASE assumes no liability from, and in connection with, such support, and there is no claim against MASE for any specific respective assistance or supporting measure.

9. Refunding

Notwithstanding any right for damage compensation of other statutory or contractual rights of MASE, in case of withdrawal, termination or dismissal, the paid tuition is only subject to refund in case of a withdrawal, termination or dismissal 14 days before start of any class of the quarter.

In this case, MASE provides a 90% refund (10% retention for administrative costs). No such refund for the quarter is due afterwards except in cases where another qualified applicant fully pays for, and takes the place of the student claiming a refund. No tuition for higher quarters beyond the quarter already paid shall fall due, whatsoever.

These terms take into account that higher quarters request at attendance of the earlier ones, meaning a termination in one quarter means a loss of one student and the respective tuition for MASE in all higher quarters, and takes away the chance for another applicant to enroll for the program in the respective period.

MASE retains the right to balance any refunding against claims from breach of this Contract or of tort against MASE, its teachers or other students. For any amount not refunded under the terms above, the student has the right to evidence that the damage and/or expenses of MASE are lower than such amount, and claim that the difference has to be refunded.

10. Privacy Guidelines

Please find them here

11. Intellectual (Non-Technical) Property Rights and Copyright

For any work the student produces while at MASE in connection to the scope of its programs, the student retains all personal rights. The student, however, waves the right that he is named as the author on any publication or duplicate of his work. MASE shall have the exclusive world-wide right
of exploitation including duplication, publishing and modification, of filing for registered rights  such as trademarks or design rights, of transfer of title or of granting licenses, in its and under its name, without limitation in scope or time.

MASE shall, however, use such work only within the scope of its typical business, meaning especially presentation and marketing of the educational work and its results in any form, including for awards. MASE may also transfer rights to third parties without payment in order to promote the awareness of the Miami Ad School brand and/or the student.

Payments of third parties to MASE for commercial or professional use of the work will be exclusively used for granting scholarships to gifted students not able to fully pay for their attendance due to personal reasons.

MASE shall acquire the property rights as outlined above free of charge, as they have to be considered a substantial part of the tuition of the student towards MASE. The student hereby grants the transfer of rights to MASE as outlined above; MASE accepts the transfer. The student has the right to use his/her/their works for their own personal portfolio, including application for professional employment or personal presentation in case of freelance work offers, but not otherwise without prior written permission of MASE, especially not for commercial exploitation.

This Sec.11 shall survive the termination of this Contract.

12. Protection of Personal Data and Confidentiality

MASE respects all applicable laws regarding theProtection of Personal Data. The student herewith expressly accepts that MASE is entitled to collect, store, compute, use and transfer his/her/their personal data to third parties in order to enable MASE to fulfill its education aims and to execute this Contract.

Especially, the student has consented to MASE using a questionnaire (Appendix A) needed for application and enrollment. The student shall keep all internal or otherwise confident information on MASE, its teachers and other students, including this Contract and its attachments, in strict confidence towards third parties except when disclosure is requested by competent authorities within their due power, or with prior written consent of MASE.

This Sec.12 shall survive the termination of this Contract by five (5) years.

13. Miscellaneous

MASE shall offer the education at its facilities in Berlin, Germany, as specified in the portfolio program.

The student herewith confirms that he/she/they, before signing of this Contract, either has visited the facilities of MASE or has otherwise informed themselves about these, and accepts them as they are. MASE excludes its liability for property of the student within its facilities other than for acts of its personnel, notwithstanding any compulsory statutory right of the student.

In case a provision of this Contract is or becomes null and void or unenforceable, in doubt the other terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

All modifications, alterations or amendments to this Contract (including this written form clause) shall be binding only if agreed upon by both parties explicitly in writing. Teachers are not entitled to agree to such changes on behalf of MASE but only the legal representatives of MASE itself.

The Appendices (A – Enrollment, Course Contents, B - Examination and Graduation Terms, C – Online Classes and Recorded Sessions) are integral parts of this  Contract. This Contract including its Appendices is subject to copyright of MASE.

Final Provision: The inefficacy of any clause of this contract does not reflect upon the efficacy of any other clause, so long as it is not a violation of good faith. In any such case, resulting issues must be addressed and resolved in accordance with the original intent of the clause, and to the satisfaction of all parties. Such procedure may be applied to any omissions found herein.

Appendix A – Enrollment, Course Content

1. Enrollment

Enrollment will be initiated by signing the Application Contract. To apply for enrollment, the student must submit application documents as requested (certified copies of all relevant school or training certificates, work samples, CV, if applicable documents evidencing legal permission to stay for the period of teaching in Germany), fill a questionnaire drafted along the lines of the company policy, introduce him-/her-/theirself in a personal or online interview, and pay an application fee of 100 € (not refundable irrespective whether enrollment takes place or not).

No enrollment is possible before the fee has been paid.

Enrollment of advanced students from other Miami Ad School locations into later quarters at MASE may be possible at the beginning of each quarter according to the status of the student, at the discretion of MASE, according to the applicable rules of the respective MAS locations and on written application or declaration of consent of the student. MASE is under no obligation to approve such 
enrollment change.

2. Course content and schedules

These are subject to change depending on market demands. These changes will reflect practical needs and can be evidenced as such by MASE.

They are not at the sole discretion of MASE. Details of course content and schedules for next quarter will be set by MASE and communicated to the students during the preceding quarter. Course content and schedules for the first quarter shall be available typically 14 days before the start of the quarter, offered on request by MASE staff. With extracts available on MASE website. All schedules set by MASE are binding for the students.

3. Examples

Typical course contents and general outlines of the requirements can be found on its Portfolio webpage. All schedules set by MASE are binding for the students.

4. Facilities:

Teaching will take place at the facilities of MASE and the selected provider of the QA (see 6 below). Students will have to take care, and bear costs of residing and/or travelling at/to the respective places, especially fulfilling all legal requirements.

MASE cannot guarantee free access to all facilities for handicapped students. Students should ask for respective information before application. MASE will assist handicapped 
students to select fitting places, if possible.

5. Classes

During the first year (first four quarters), students take 4 –6 lecture/critique/demonstration classes each week, with an additional 7 – 10 hours each week in lab time.

Each lecture/critique class is 2 – 3 hours long. Total class time each week is minimum 12 – 15 hours but may be to up to 22 hours, with (typically 3) additional hours outside of class each week, homework and plus from time to time Guest Speaker courses.

Teaching schedules during quarters 5 – 7 (including “Quarter Away”) depend on the schedules of the place and/or faculty selected. Schedules during the last quarter will be individually tailored and agreed with the Student depending on his/her/their needs to prepare for the graduation.

6. Quarter Away

Students will be trained during one or more quarters in the second year of the program outside MASE, called “Quarter(s) Away” (QA).

At least one QA will be offered to any student, either through a practical time with an advertising agency or completely in a Miami Ad School location in another country. Every student will name three potential training places preferred by him/her for his/her/their QA in writing to MASE, in a respective order. Places are distributed amongst the students based on a ranking set by MASE.

Ranking criteria are especially the general rating of a student, the acceptance by the requested place of training and its representatives, the number of quarters already passed, and the preferences of the student. MASE shall only offer the QA at a place not preferred by the student in case serious reasons for such decision can be evidenced by MASE.

A QA as a practical time with an advertising agency shall be only offered to students who are rated by MASE in their overall performance as “B” or better in a grading system from A to F (A = excellent, B = above average, C = average, D = below average, F = failure).
Detailed explanation please find in Appendix B Sec2.

7. Agency Screening

At the end of the student’s final quarter, an agency screening will take place. Students and their work will be presented to representatives and decision makers of advertising agencies and other companies or entities which may employ or mandate graduates.

Appendix B – Examination and Graduation Terms

1. General Principles

Examination and Graduation at MASE are based strictly and exclusively on the rating of the skills and the work of a Student.

2. Ratings

Ratings are in a grading system from A to F (A = excellent, B = above average, C = average, D = below average, F = failure):
  • “excellent” in every aspect much above average, work could be professionally used without changes.
  • “above average” in many and important aspects above average, near professional work with only minor deficiencies. 
  • “average” although with some deficiencies still basically sound skills and work, no substantial mistakes.
  • “insufficient” major deficiencies, does no reach of class objective.
  • “failure” no participation, nothing of relevance to evaluate.

3. Examination at the completion of a quarter

Successful completion of the classes in a quarter – except the last one – which is also required to enroll for any higher quarter needs:

Students will be rated by a combined grading of their skills and work presented during the quarter. All aspects shall be taken into account, weighted and averaged. In case teachers disagree, the rating shall be subject to a voting by the teachers. The rating shall be presented to the Student.

4. Additional Classes or Quarter

In case a Student is rated below average in a class at the end of a quarter, he/she/they shall repeat the respective class during the next possible quarter. The school maintains the right to charge EUR 650 for each repeated class.

In case the student is rated below average in two or more classes, he/she/they shall enroll for an additional quarter to supplement his/her/their training and develop his/her/their skills.

If a Student disagrees with his/her/their rating as below average, he/she/they may contest the rating within a week from its presentation by a written request to MASE. In such case, the teachers shall give their reasons for the rating in short writing to the Student and to the directorial board of MASE. The Student shall have the opportunity to immediately reply to the teachers’ reasoning.

The directorial board shall then decide whether the rating of the teachers is confirmed or reversed, taking into account the arguments the Student has presented. The decision of the directorial board shall be final and binding. It does not need to be substantiated to the Student.

5. Dismissal

If a Student is again rated at the end of an additional quarter (which he/she/they had to enroll according to section 3) below average, he/she/they will be dismissed from MASE immediately and without a Diploma.

The Application Contract shall be regarded as terminated with immediate effect. MASE shall certify towards the Student on request only that and which classes have been taken by the Student. In case a quick improvement can be expected, MASE may decide in its own discretion to offer the Student a second additional quarter to qualify.

In case the Student can show that he/she/they failed in the repeat quarter only due to temporary reasons beyond his/her/their responsibility (esp. disease, exceptional personal burden), MASE shall offer him/her/them a second additional quarter to qualify. No further additional quarters are possible

6. Graduation

The last quarter shall be completed by the final graduation. To graduate the Student must typically have completed 1936 clock hours/96 credit hours of teaching at MASE.

The Student shall, before the end of the last quarter, select campaigns he/she/they has drafted during his/her/their training at MASE and present them for his/her/their final personal rating. Due to the screenings by advertising agencies, the deadline cannot be extended.

A minimum of seven (7) campaigns  rated by the respective teachers of the courses as “good” or better is required to pass the final graduation. Students who have passed the final graduation shall be awarded a Diploma (in English language) evidencing the successful completion of the MASE training and name the selected portfolio program.

No specific rating shall be contained in the Diploma.
The Diploma shall be presented through a respective formal document signed by members of the board and the managing director of MASE. The Diploma and corresponding documents shall not be handed to the Student before the Student has paid in full all his/her/their outstanding debts to MASE.

7. Analysis

In order to support the students to pass the final graduation, at the start of the last quarter MASE shall offer a detailed personal oral analysis of the skills and work of the Student, as seen by the teachers, pointing out possible weak points and advising the Student how he/she/they may improve.

8. Repetition

Students who are unable to present the required number of campaigns rated as “good” or better shall be given the opportunity to draft further campaigns in an additional quarter and have them rated by their teachers in order to fulfill the requirements for the final graduation.

Failure after such additional quarter means that no Diploma can be awarded and the Application Contract is terminated. MASE shall certify towards the Student on request only that and which classes have been taken by the Student.

9. Request and Appeal

A Student who may be going to miss the final graduation only by one campaign may ask for substituting the missing campaign by a campaign selected by him/her/them and rated at least
“average” which he/she/they deem(s) to also show specific skills clearly above average.

The request must be submitted in writing to MASE, with reasons, not earlier than two months, not later than one month before the end of the final quarter. The directorial board of MASE decides on the request finally and binding after consulting the teacher who has originally rated the presented campaign, if possible.

The possibility for such request is restricted to one single selected campaign for substitution per quarter. Additionally the Student may appeal according to the terms of section 7 of the Application Contract.

10. Payment

All additional quarters must be paid for by the Student at the rates valid for regular quarters.

Appendix C – Online Classes and recorded Class Sessions

Classes at Miami Ad School Europe may happen to be held online, and be recorded for reference. The student therewith confirms to agree on recorded sessions and online classes.

All online class recordings are for educational purposes only. Data will stay within Miami Ad School Europe’s network and related server spaces, accessible to students, teachers and school staff only.

Please note that when you take part in the MASE online classes, you automatically agree to our terms and conditions.